Tuesday 24 June 2014

Early History

Canadian Tire was started by John W. and Alfred Jackson (A.J.) Billes. They invested their savings of 1800 CAD in an automobile garage in Toronto. The company at the beginning was named as Hamilton Tire. In 1927, the Billeses changed the name of their company and named it as Canadian Tire. In the same year they started retailing and allowed the customers to order by mail. 

After a huge struggle, Canadian Tire is now one of the leading marketing chains in the field of each and every consumer good required in everyday life. Canadian Tire now owes so many stores that a store is made near at a 15 mints of drive from one’s home. Canadian Tire is now able to compete with one of the international retailer Walmart all over the nation. So its great techniques of expanded their business landed them to be one of the most known organisation among customers.


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